Today is my 19th birthday…
My dad congratulated me earlier… I get confused when people congratulate you on your birthday… Makes me think that i must have done well to survive this long… If i was 95 then maybe a congratulation would be in order… I recieved the best card in the world today from Tasha… Hand drawn and written… Very cool…
For the first time in a month or so i’ve skived college… I just didn’t want to be there on my birthday… Spent a lot of time trying to clean my room… Failed…There’s more mess on my floor now than there was when i started… Oh well… I’ve got the choice of going out or not tonight… I guess i can afford the luxury of a few £1 drinks in hustle on my birthday… Although, i did offer Mike a few cans on the shore tonight… Anyway, just to let you know that i’m 19 now… Being almost 20 when you still have the mentality of a 16 year old is not fun at all…
*keep the peace or discover that digging up bones in your back garden doesn’t mean you’re an archiologist, it means you’re the owner of the cat slaying beast dog that the neighbours are complaining about*